L-702SP Case Study Featured in CompressorTECH2
January 31, 2022
A just-released case study featuring Hamar Laser’s L-702SP Scan Laser with Plumb Beam has been published in CompressorTECH2, a leading trade magazine for global gas compression products and applications.
“Fair and Square: Using lasers to nail critical QC checks on compressors” was produced with Hi-Tech Compressor and Pump Products, a Hamar customer specializing in compressor service and repair. It reveals how Hi-Tech used Hamar’s L-702SP to resolve complicated and challenging quality control issues the company faced during a large compressor refurbishing project. As shown in the study, Hi-Tech realized a significant return on their investment, as measured in labor savings, reduced machining time, enhanced QC capabilities, additional business from a satisfied customer and expanded market potential.
Read the published case study in CompressorTECH2 (digital magazine), and get the article reprint and step-by-step alignment procedures (downloadable PDFs).
You can also view this case study—and many others—in the Resource Center of the Hamar Laser website (click Case Studies tab).
For further information, visit Hamar Laser’s website or contact the company at +1-203-730-4600 or sales@hamarlaser.com.