The Newest Edition to the Stealth Series™ Rugged, Reliable, Repeatable…
Hamar Laser Instruments,the undisputed leader in laser precision alignment introduces theStealth Series™*S-670BCRT** shaft alignment system. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 18 April, 2015 The S-670BCRT** is...
Microsoft Windows Updates Causing Bluetooth Crash in Tablets
Support Contact: Name: Amy Smith Title: Technical Support Manager Phone: 1-912-673-7279 Email address: amy.smith@hamarlaser.com Repair Contact: Name: Teri Carlisle Title:...
Hamar Laser Introduces Next-Generation L-702/L-702SP Spindle Alignment Lasers
September 5, 2018 Compact and versatile new L-702 and L-702SP Spindle Alignment Lasers help manufacturing plants cut costs and boost productivity The L-702 Spindle Alignment Laser is a straight-line...
HLI at IMTS to show new L-702/L-702SP Lathe Alignment Laser
Come see us at booth 135436 at the IMTS show at the McCormick Center September 10-15, 2018 and take a look at our new L-702/L-702SP Lathe Alignment Lasers. The L-702 will be a replacement for our...
IMTS 2018 Show Wrap Up — IMTS 2018 Booth Traffic Up 75%!
Hamar Laser’s new spindle alignment lasers and record attendance helped us have one of our best shows in 10 years By Rod Hamar, President & CEO, Hamar Laser Instruments, Inc. Rod Hamar talking...